Sacred Space Massage and Bodywork, L.L.C.

Services And Rates

At Sacred Space Massage and Bodywork, I strive to provide comprehensive, integrated sessions based on your therapeutic goals and a dialogue with your body. Quite often, I will blend modalities and incorporate various techniques within a single session.

The following services are available to meet your needs and help you feel better in your body.

30 Minutes - $50

60 Minutes - $80

75 Minutes - $95

90 Minutes - $110

  • SWEDISH FULL BODY RELAXATION MASSAGE: Swedish massage most commonly utilizes long, gliding strokes to relax the body and instill deep relaxation. Swedish massage is a wonderful choice for stress relief, improving circulation and oxygen levels in the blood, increasing flexibility and range of motion, and supporting the release of muscle toxins and restrictions. Other types of strokes included in Swedish massage are kneading, percussion-like tapping, and stretching.
  • MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Fascia is the body's connective tissue. It surrounds and stabilizes each and every muscle and organ within the body. Myofascial release is a soft technique that utilizes gentle, sustained pressure to connect with this tissue and facilitate the release of restrictions. This technique, while very light, has the potential to create space in the body for much deeper work.
  • CRANIOSACRAL WORK: Craniosacral massage is another very gentle type of bodywork that focuses on the bones of the skull, the vertebral column and the sacrum, or lower back. This work is mainly focused on relieving compression throughout these areas to alleviate stress, pain, headaches, and overall body discomfort. Craniosacral work is also useful to quiet a busy mind, reduce anxiety and agitation, and restore a sense of wellbeing and emotional comfort.
  • ACUPRESSURE: Acupressure is based on the concept that the body contains meridians, or energy channels that run throughout the body and serve as a highway system for energy to flow. Holding specific points along these channels can bring the body's awareness to that point of potential blockage, allowing the body to gently release them and return to a sense of balance. 
  • MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE: Lymphatic Drainage Massage is generally beneficial for any body, but can be especially supportive for those with edema related to acute and chronic pathology, plastic surgery, and other body enhancement procedures. MLD is an extremely gentle and repetitive modality that targets opening up concentrations of lymph nodes and then helping to assist move lymph through various pathways in the body. It can often be done fully clothed, and is an excellent modality to help support healthy immune system function in addition to reducing inflammation.
  • CHILDREN'S MASSAGE: Sacred Space honors ALL bodies ... and children are no exception! Children may benefit from massage as therapeutic touch can help to calm agitation and reduce stress, allowing for greater mental clarity and focus. It can also improve motor and cognitive development and nurture a greater awareness of healthy touch and positive self-image.
  • REIKI: Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that is often used to encourage the body's natural response to its own healing abilities. It is a very gentle, hands-on modality that utilizes hand positions throughout various points on the body to allow energy to flow through the practitioner to the client. Reiki is wonderful in assisting to restore balance within the body, and is usually extremely calming and equalizing.